


  • 允许载入全彩非索引色的PCX。对Ares的PCX也支持。

  • 可以通过命令行参数-icon <路径>指定gamemd.exe的图标,路径可以是绝对路径也可以是相对路径(例如gamemd.exe -icon Resources/clienticon.ico)。

  • 修复了由Blowfish.dll导致的错误***FATAL*** String Manager failed to initialize properly。原理见英文原文,不翻译。

  • 修复了非输入法键盘输入以使基础拉丁或拉丁-1以外的语言或键盘布局可以正常工作。

  • Fixed position and layer of info tip and reveal production cameo on selected building

  • Timer (superweapon, mission etc) blinking color scheme can be customized by setting [AudioVisual] -> TimerBlinkColorScheme. Defaults to third color scheme listed in [Colors].




  • 你可以指定玩家胜利或失败时播放的音轨。


[SOMESIDE]             ; Side
IngameScore.WinTheme=  ; Soundtrack theme ID
IngameScore.LoseTheme= ; Soundtrack theme ID


Digital display

image Default configuration of digital display using example shapes from Phobos supplementaries.

  • You can now configure various types of numerical counters to be displayed over Techno to represent its attributes, such as health points or shield points.

  • Anchor.Horizontal and Anchor.Vertical set the anchor point from which the display is drawn (depending on Align) relative to unit’s center/selection box. For buildings, Anchor.Building is used instead.

    • Offset and Offset.ShieldDelta (the latter applied when a shield is active) can be used to further modify the position.

  • By default, values are displayed in current/maximum format (i.e. 20/40). HideMaxValue=yes will make the counter show only the current value (i.e. 20). Percentage=yes changes the format to percent% (i.e. 50%).

  • CanSee and CanSee.Observer can limit visibility to specific players.

  • The digits can be either a custom shape (.shp) or text drawn using the game font. This depends on whether Shape is set.

    • Text.Color, Text.Color.ConditionYellow and Text.Color.ConditionRed allow customization of the font color. Text.Background=yes will additionally draw a black rectangle background.

    • When using shapes, a custom palette can be specified with Palette. Shape.Spacing controls pixel buffer between characters.

    • Frames 0-9 will be used as digits when the owner’s health bar is green, 10-19 when yellow, 20-29 when red. For / and % characters, frame numbers are 30-31, 32-33, 34-35, respectively.

  • Default Offset.ShieldDelta for InfoType=Shield is 0,-10, 0,0 for others.

  • Default Shape.Spacing for buildings is 4,-2, 4,0 for others.



Buildings.DefaultDigitalDisplayTypes=   ; list of DigitalDisplayTypes
Infantry.DefaultDigitalDisplayTypes=    ; list of DigitalDisplayTypes
Vehicles.DefaultDigitalDisplayTypes=    ; list of DigitalDisplayTypes
Aircraft.DefaultDigitalDisplayTypes=    ; list of DigitalDisplayTypes

[SOMEDIGITALDISPLAYTYPE]                ; DigitalDisplayType
; Generic
InfoType=Health                         ; Displayed value enumeration (health|shield|ammo|mindcontrol|spawns|passengers|tiberium|experience|occupants|gattlingstage)
Offset=0,0                              ; integers - horizontal, vertical
Offset.ShieldDelta=                     ; integers - horizontal, vertical
Align=right                             ; Text alignment enumeration (left|right|center/centre)
Anchor.Horizontal=right                 ; Horizontal position enumeration (left|center/centre|right)
Anchor.Vertical=top                     ; Vertical position enumeration (top|center/centre|bottom)
Anchor.Building=top                     ; Hexagon vertex enumeration (top|lefttop|leftbottom|bottom|rightbottom|righttop)
Percentage=false                        ; boolean
HideMaxValue=false                      ; boolean
VisibleToHouses=owner                   ; Affected house enumeration (none|owner/self|allies/ally|team|enemies/enemy|all)
VisibleToHouses.Observer=true           ; boolean
; Text
Text.Color=0,255,0                      ; integers - Red, Green, Blue
Text.Color.ConditionYellow=255,255,0    ; integers - Red, Green, Blue
Text.Color.ConditionRed=255,0,0         ; integers - Red, Green, Blue
Text.Background=false                   ; boolean
; Shape
Shape=                                  ; filename with .shp extension, if not present, game-drawn text will be used instead
Palette=palette.pal                     ; filename with .pal extension
Shape.Spacing=                          ; integers - horizontal, vertical spacing between digits

DigitalDisplay.Disable=false            ; boolean
DigitalDisplayTypes=                    ; list of DigitalDisplayTypes


DigitalDisplay.Enable=false             ; boolean


An example shape file for digits can be found on Phobos supplementaries repo).

Show designator & inhibitor range

  • It is now possible to display range of designator and inhibitor units when in super weapon targeting mode. Each instance of player owned techno types listed in [SuperWeapon]->SW.Designators will display a circle with radius set in [TechnoType]->DesignatorRange or Sight.

    • In a similar manner, each instance of enemy owned techno types listed in [SuperWeapon]->SW.Inhibitors will display a circle with radius set in [TechnoType]->InhibitorRange or Sight.

  • This feature can be disabled globally with [AudioVisual]->ShowDesignatorRange=false or per SuperWeaponType with [SuperWeapon]->ShowDesignatorRange=false.

  • This feature can be toggled by the player (if enabled in the mod) with ShowDesignatorRange in Ra2MD.ini or with “Toggle Designator Range” hotkey in “Interface” category.


ShowDesignatorRange=true    ; boolean

[SOMESW]                    ; SuperWeapon
ShowDesignatorRange=true    ; boolean


ShowDesignatorRange=false             ; boolean


隐藏血条在CnC: Final War

  • 如果需要,血条可以被关闭显示。


[SOMENAME]            ; TechnoType
HealthBar.Hide=false  ; boolean


在战斗单位中矿车不被选中在Rise of the East

  • 现在可以为游戏内的物体设定为低选择权重。这样的单位将不会在框选T框选Shift框选有正常选择权重的单位时被选中。


[SOMETECHNO]                ; TechnoType
LowSelectionPriority=false  ; boolean
  • 用户可以自由指定是否启用这个逻辑。目前只能人工设置或内置到客户端中。


PrioritySelectionFiltering=true  ; boolean

Visual indication of income from grinders and refineries

  • DisplayIncome can be set to display the amount of credits acquired when a building is grinding units / receiving ore dump from harvesters or slaves.

  • Multiple income within less than one in-game second have their amounts coalesced into single display.

    • DisplayIncome.Houses determines which houses can see the credits display.

      • If you don’t want players to see how AI cheats with VirtualPurifiers for example, DisplayIncome.AllowAI can be set to false to disable the display. It overrides the previous option.

    • DisplayIncome.Offset is additional pixel offset for the center of the credits display, by default (0,0) at building’s center. -[AudioVisual]->DisplayIncome also allows to display the amount of credits when selling a unit on a repair bay.


DisplayIncome=false       ; boolean
DisplayIncome.Houses=All  ; Affected House Enumeration (none|owner/self|allies/ally|team|enemies/enemy|all)
DisplayIncome.AllowAI=yes ; boolean

[SOMEBUILDING]            ; BuildingType
DisplayIncome=            ; boolean, defaults to [AudioVisual]->DisplayIncome
DisplayIncome.Houses=     ; Affected House Enumeration, defaults to [AudioVisual]->DisplayIncome.Houses
DisplayIncome.Offset=0,0  ; X,Y, pixels relative to default


使用50%透明度的建筑预览Rise of the East

  • Building previews can now be enabled when placing a building for construction. This can be enabled on a global basis with [AudioVisual]->PlacementPreview and then further customized for each building with [SOMEBUILDING]->PlacementPreview.

  • The building placement grid (place.shp) translucency setting can be adjusted via PlacementGrid.Translucency if PlacementPreview is disabled and PlacementGrid.TranslucencyWithPreview if enabled.

  • If using the building’s appropriate Buildup is not desired, customizations allow for you to choose the exact SHP and frame you’d prefer to show as preview through PlacementPreview.Shape, PlacementPreview.ShapeFrame and PlacementPreview.Palette.

    • You can specify theater-specific palettes and shapes by putting three ~ marks to the theater specific part of the filename. ~~~ is replaced with the theater’s three-letter extension.

  • PlacementPreview.ShapeFrame默认为建筑art节中Buildup的最后一非影子帧。如果没有Buildup则会选取默认图像第一帧(其中不会包含动画和Bibs)。


PlacementGrid.Translucency=0            ; translucency level (0/25/50/75)
PlacementGrid.TranslucencyWithPreview=  ; translucency level (0/25/50/75), defaults to [AudioVisual]->PlacementGrid.Translucency

PlacementPreview=no                  ; boolean
PlacementPreview.Translucency=75     ; translucency level (0/25/50/75)

PlacementPreview=yes                 ; boolean
PlacementPreview.Shape=              ; filename - including the .shp extension. If not set uses building's artmd.ini Buildup SHP (based on Building's Image)
PlacementPreview.ShapeFrame=         ; integer, zero-based frame index used for displaying the preview
PlacementPreview.Offset=0,-15,1      ; integer, expressed in X,Y,Z used to alter position preview
PlacementPreview.Remap=yes           ; boolean, does this preview use player remap colors
PlacementPreview.Palette=            ; filename - including the .pal extension
PlacementPreview.Translucency=       ; translucency level (0/25/50/75), defaults to [AudioVisual]->PlacementPreview.Translucency


The PlacementPreview.Palette option is not used when PlacementPreview.Remap=yes is set to yes. This may change in future.

  • 用户可以自由指定是否启用这个逻辑。目前只能人工设置或内置到客户端中。


ShowPlacementPreview=yes   ; boolean

Real time timers

  • Timers can now display values in real time, taking game speed into account. This can be enabled with RealTimeTimers=true.

  • By default, time is calculated relative to desired framerate. Enabling RealTimeTimers.Adaptive (always true for unlimited FPS and custom speeds) will calculate time relative to current FPS, accounting for lag.

    • When playing with unlimited FPS (or custom speed above 60 FPS), the timers might constantly change value because of the unstable nature.

  • This option respects custom game speeds.

  • 用户可以自由指定是否启用这个逻辑。目前只能人工设置或内置到客户端中。

In ra2md.ini:

RealTimeTimers=false            ; boolean
RealTimeTimers.Adaptive=false   ; boolean

SuperWeapon ShowTimer sorting

  • You can now sort the timers of superweapons in ascending order from top to bottom according to a given priority value.

In rulesmd.ini

ShowTimer.Priority=0  ; integer

Flashing Technos on selecting

Selecting technos, controlled by player, now may show a flash effect by setting SelectionFlashDuration parameter. Set SelectionFlashDuration=0 to disable it.


SelectionFlashDuration=0  ; integer, number of frames


[ ] Display Damage Numbers

  • Switches on/off floating numbers when dealing damage. See this for details.

  • For localization add TXT_DISPLAY_DAMAGE and TXT_DISPLAY_DAMAGE_DESC into your .csf file.

[ ] 输出目标信息

  • 将当前鼠标悬浮或选中的目标信息写入日志并输出信息。详情请见此处

  • For localization add TXT_DUMP_OBJECT_INFO and TXT_DUMP_OBJECT_INFO_DESC into your .csf file.

[ ] 下一空闲矿车

  • 选择并居中下一个被矿车指示器计数且处于空闲状态的单位。

  • For localization add TXT_NEXT_IDLE_HARVESTER and TXT_NEXT_IDLE_HARVESTER_DESC into your .csf file.

[ ] 快捷保存

  • 保存当前单人游戏。

  • For localization, add TXT_QUICKSAVE, TXT_QUICKSAVE_DESC, TXT_QUICKSAVE_SUFFIX and MSG:NotAvailableInMultiplayer into your .csf file.


    • 存档名会是Allied Mission 25: Esther's Money - QuickSaved

[ ] Toggle Designator Range

  • Switches on/off super weapon designator range indicator. See this for details.

  • For localization add TXT_DESIGNATOR_RANGE and TXT_DESIGNATOR_RANGE_DESC into your .csf file.

[ ] Toggle Digital Display

  • Switches on/off digital gisplay types.

  • For localization add TXT_DIGITAL_DISPLAY and TXT_DIGITAL_DISPLAY_DESC into your .csf file.


  • 载入图像现在可以使用PCX格式。

    • 自定义载入屏幕可以通过Ares标签File.LoadScreen实现。

    • 战役载入图也可以通过missionmd.ini->[LS800BkgdName]标签使用PCX图像。

    • 观战者载入图可通过ls800obs.pcx*(或ls640obs.pcx在屏幕宽度为640时)*使用此逻辑。

  • 载入图的大小现在可以大于默认的800x600,一定为居中绘制。

    • 此功能是与CnCNet5生成器Dll搭配使用的,它将把载入界面固定为当前游戏分辨率大小并把载入图置于中间。如果没有CnCNet5生成器,那么载入分辨率将被锁定为800x600

    • 对战役载入图约束相同。

  • 现在可以关闭YR引擎硬编码的黑点


DisableEmptySpawnPositions=false  ; boolean


扩展工具提示在CnC: Final War

  • 鼠标悬浮在图标上时显示的工具提示现在可以更加详细了。同时,最大字数限制也提高到了1024。

  • 拓展后TechnoType的工具提示将显示名称,所需资金,所需电力,所需时间,描述。

  • 拓展后SWType的工具提示将显示名称,所需资金,充能时间。

  • 扩展工具提示不使用TXT_MONEY_FORMAT_1TXT_MONEY_FORMAT_2。取而代之你可以自己指定金钱,电力,时间的标志(在对应值前显示)。默认分别为$ U+0024 U+26A1 U+231A

  • 修复了当通过QWER切换标签页时, 工具提示不会消失的问题。

  • 工具提示现在可以越过侧边栏边界以容纳更长的内容。可以使用新标签控制最大文本宽度。


ExtendedToolTips=false     ; boolean
CostLabel=<none>           ; CSF entry key
PowerLabel=<none>          ; CSF entry key
PowerBlackoutLabel=<none>  ; CSF entry key
TimeLabel=<none>           ; CSF entry key
MaxWidth=0                 ; integer, pixels


[SOMENAME]            ; TechnoType or SWType
UIDescription=<none>  ; CSF entry key
  • 描述信息可以由用户决定是否开启,但现在只能内置到客户端内或手动设置。


ToolTipDescriptions=true  ; boolean



  • The background color and opacity of tooltips can now be customized globally or per side.


ToolTip.Background.Color=0,0,0      ; integer - R,G,B, defaults to [AudioVisual]->ToolTip.Background.Color, which defaults to `0,0,0`
ToolTip.Background.Opacity=100      ; integer, ranged in [0, 100], defaults to [AudioVisual]->ToolTip.Background.Opacity, which defaults to `100`
ToolTip.Background.BlurSize=0.0     ; float, defaults to [AudioVisual]->ToolTip.Background.BlurSize, which defaults to `0.0`


The blur effect is resource intensive. Please make sure you really want to enable this effect, otherwise leave it to 0.0 so it stays disabled.


ToolTipBlur=false  ; boolean, whether the blur effect of tooltips will be enabled.


Skip saving game on starting a new campaign

When starting a new campaign, the game automatically saves the game. Now you can decide whether you want that to happen or not.


SaveGameOnScenarioStart=true ; boolean