


  • Fixed the bug that GameModeOptions are not correctly saved. For example, BuildOffAlly is corrupted after load a save.

  • 修复了读取地图时,将Preview(Pack)放置在Map后面会导致绘制不出预览的问题。

  • 修复了重绘地图光照触发会使建筑光效失灵的问题。

  • 心控对于可以部署的载具, 部署后不再会永久改变所属方。

  • 修复了当单位已经死亡却还在地图上时(例如沉没,坠毁,死亡动画等)还能再次死亡的问题。

  • 修复了隐形的辐射工兵无法发射部署武器的问题。

  • 修复了被超时空武器冻结的单位不能被正确抹消的问题,并不会再生成错误。

  • 修复了DebrisMaximums(产生的碎片不再能超过指定的最大值)。出于稳定性考量,只有当DebrisMaximums设定的值多于1个的时候才会激活此修复。

  • 修复了Q/W快捷键在失败摆放之后不会再把建造完成的建筑放到鼠标上的问题。

  • 可反部署的建筑,在反部署时不再会触发EVA_NewRallypointEstablished语音。

  • 修复了Naval=yes会无视WaterBound=no强制将建筑限制在水面上的问题。

  • 修复了AI的飞机停机坪在Ares标签[GlobalControls] > AllowParallelAIQueues=no时有bug的问题。

  • 修复了激光绘制的代码以允许所属方颜色绘制模式下更粗的激光。

  • 修复了DeathWeapon引爆不正确的问题。

    • 但是仍有部分设置被忽略,如PreImpactAnim(Ares功能),未来可能会改。

  • 修复了驻军建筑的MuzzleFlashXX超过10之后会画在建筑中心的问题。

  • 修复了Jumpjet类单位在Crashable=yes时,如果被Locomotor弹头拉起,不会正常坠毁向地面的问题。

  • Fixed jumpjet units being unable to turn to the target when firing from a different direction.

  • Fixed turreted jumpjet units always facing bottom-right direction when motion stops.

  • Fixed jumpjet objects being unable to use Sensors.

  • 修复了UnitAbsorbInfantryAbsorbGrinding=yes的建筑的交互问题。现在这两个标签会使建筑仅能接收对应类型的单位。

  • 修复了缺少NoEnter鼠标动作导致载具无法进入Grinding=yes建筑的问题。

  • 修复了工程师可以在不应进入(如满血)时进入Grinding=yes的建筑的问题。

  • SHP碎片可以通过Shadow控制阴影。

  • 允许使用TileSet 255及以上,不再会使东北到西南方向的桥梁不可维修。

  • Added a “Load Game” button to the retry dialog on mission failure.

image Side offset voxel turret in Breaking Blue project

  • TurretOffset现在可以像FLH(TurretOffset=F,LTurretOffset=F,L,H),一样指定,一个数为前后,两个数的第二个数为左右,三个数的第三个数为上下。

  • Damage=1InfiniteMindControl现在可以控制多于1个单位。

  • Fighter=no的飞机或扫射型飞机(即抛射体ROT小于2)现在会在每次攻击时都读取Burst,而非仅第一次。

  • AnimList.PickRandom取代EMEffect,可以使弹头爆炸时随机播放动画。

  • Vehicles using DeployFire will now use DeployFireWeapon for firing the deploy weapon if explicitly set, if not it behaves like previously (Primary if can fire, Secondary if not) and respect FireOnce setting on weapon and any stop commands issued during firing. If FireOnce is set to true the unit won’t accept further deploy commands for number of frames that is equal to whichever is smaller between weapon ROF and [Unload] -> Rate times 900.

  • DeployFireWeapon=-1的步兵在部署后可以使用全部的武器(由其目标决定)。

image Nod arty keeping target on attack order in C&C: Reloaded

  • DeployToFire的载具在部署后会保持它们之前的攻击目标。

  • 对于使用Burst的武器来说,效果如激光不再会绘制在错误的位置上。

  • 现在可以用XDrawOffset为动画设置X轴偏移量了。

  • IsSimpleDeployer的单位现在只会播放DeploySoundUndeploySound一次。

  • AI触发现在可以将建筑升级当做可用条件。

  • EWGatesNSGates现在会分别像xxGateOnexxGateTwo一样链接围墙。

  • 修复了驻军建筑的MuzzleFlashXX超过10之后会画在建筑中心的问题。

  • 修复了Jumpjet类单位在Crashable=yes时,如果被Locomotor弹头拉起,不会正常坠毁向地面的问题。

  • 修复了UnitAbsorbInfantryAbsorbGrinding=yes的建筑的交互问题。现在这两个标签会使建筑仅能接收对应类型的单位。

  • 修复了缺少NoEnter鼠标动作导致载具无法进入Grinding=yes建筑的问题。

  • 修复了工程师可以在不应进入(如满血)时进入Grinding=yes的建筑的问题。

  • 飞机与Jumpjet单位现在可以正常接受速度加成,如国家中的SpeedAircraft/Infantry/UnitsMultVeteranSpeed和箱子/附加效果(Ares功能)。

  • VXL与SHP载具现在都可以以Palette自定义色盘。

  • 电磁脉冲超级武器,在不带EMPulse.TargetSelf=true*(Ares功能)*时也可以产生辐射。

  • 为地形对象设置RadarInvisible=true可以使其不在小地图中显示。

  • 心灵控制指示动画现在会在单位解除隐形后恢复。

  • 现在弹头AnimListSplashList与触发动作41 播放动画在...都会自动绑定所属方。

  • 核弹起飞与落地武器现在都遵循Bright设定(之前只有落地武器在Nuke.SiloLaunch=false*(Ares功能)*时有效)。

  • Self-healing pips from InfantryGainSelfHeal & UnitsGainSelfHeal now respect unit’s PixelSelectionBracketDelta like health bar pips do.

  • Buildings using SelfHealing will now correctly revert to undamaged graphics if their health is restored back by self-healing.

  • Allow use of Foundation=0x0 on TerrainTypes without crashing for similar results as for buildings.

  • Projectiles now remember the house of the firer even if the firer is destroyed before the projectile detonates. Does not currently apply to some Ares-introduced Warhead effects like EMP.

  • OpenTopped transports now take OpenTransportWeapon setting of passengers into consideration when determining weapon range used for threat scanning and approaching targets.

  • Trailer animations now inherit the owner of the object (animation, projectile or aircraft) they are attached to.

  • Buildings now correctly use laser parameters set for Secondary weapons instead of reading them from Primary weapon.

  • Fixed an issue that caused vehicles killed by damage dealt by a known house but without a known source TechnoType (f.ex animation warhead damage) to not be recorded as killed correctly and thus not spring map trigger events etc.

Waving trees Animated trees used in Ion Shock

  • IsAnimated, AnimationRate and AnimationProbability now work on TerrainTypes without SpawnsTiberium set to true.

  • Fixed transports recursively put into each other not having a correct killer set after second transport when being killed by something.

image Example gradient SHP drawing with 75% translucency, before and after

  • Translucent RLE SHPs will now be drawn using a more precise and performant algorithm that has no green tint and banding. Can be disabled with rulesmd.ini->[General]->FixTransparencyBlitters=no.

    • Only applies to Z-aware drawing mode for now.

  • Fixed projectiles with Inviso=true suffering from potential inaccuracy problems if combined with Airburst=yes or Warhead with EMEffect=true.

  • Fixed the bug when MakeInfantry logic on BombClass resulted in Neutral side infantry.

  • Fixed railgun particles being drawn to wrong coordinate against buildings with non-default TargetCoordOffset or when force-firing on bridges.

  • Fixed building TargetCoordOffset not being taken into accord for several things like fire angle calculations and target lines.


Animation weapon and damage settings

  • Weapon can be set to a WeaponType, to create a projectile and immediately detonate it instead of simply dealing Damage by Warhead. This allows weapon effects to be applied.

  • Damage.Delay determines delay between two applications of Damage. Requires Damage to be set to 1.0 or above. Value of 0 disables the delay. Keep in mind that this is measured in animation frames, not game frames. Depending on Rate, animation may or may not advance animation frames on every game frame.

  • Damage.DealtByInvoker, if set to true, makes any Damage dealt to be considered as coming from the animation’s invoker (f.ex, firer of the weapon if it is Warhead AnimList/SplashList animation, the destroyed vehicle if it is DestroyAnim animation or the object the animation is attached to). Does not affect which house the Damage dealt by Warhead is dealt by.

  • Damage.ApplyOncePerLoop, if set to true, makes Damage be dealt only once per animation loop (on single loop animations, only once, period) instead of on every frame or intervals defined by Damage.Delay. The frame on which it is dealt is determined by Damage.Delay, defaulting to after the first animation frame.


[SOMEANIM]                     ; AnimationType
Weapon=                        ; WeaponType
Damage.Delay=0                 ; integer, animation frames
Damage.DealtByInvoker=false    ; boolean
Damage.ApplyOncePerLoop=false  ; boolean


Weapon and Damage.Delay, beyond the other additions, should function similarly to the equivalent features introduced by Ares and take precedence over them if Phobos is used together with Ares.


  • 现在可以自定义动画附加到单位中心或某一角落。


[SOMEANIM]                       ; AnimationType
UseCenterCoordsIfAttached=false  ; boolean


  • 现在可以指定动画是否跟随被附加的单位的图层,否则使用动画自己的图层。如果不设置,附加动画使用Ground图层。


[SOMEANIM]             ; AnimationType
Layer.UseObjectLayer=  ; boolean


  • 现在可以定义有矿石的单元格在矿石的什么阶段才会播放HideIfNoOre了。


[SOMEANIM]               ; AnimationType
HideIfNoOre.Threshold=0  ; integer, minimal ore growth stage



image Using ally grinder, restricting to vehicles only and refund display (Project Phantom)

  • 现在可以定义回收类型和回收音效了。

    • Grinding.AllowAllies决定是否友军单位也可以进入此建筑。

    • Grinding.AllowOwner决定是否己方单位可以进入此建筑。

    • Grinding.AllowTypes可以用于定义何种单位可以被回收。一旦列出,则所有未被列出的单位不可被回收。

    • Grinding.DisallowTypes可以用于定义何种单位不可以被回收。

    • Grinding.Sound定义回收音效,默认为[AudioVisual]->EnterGrinderSound

    • Grinding.Weapon是当此建筑回收时,建筑向本身开火的武器,遵循ROF设定。

    • Grinding.DisplayRefund can be set to display the amount of credits acquired upon grinding on the building. Multiple refunded objects within a short period of time have their refund amounts coalesced into single display.

      • Grinding.DisplayRefund.Houses determines which houses can see the credits display.

      • Grinding.DisplayRefund.Offset is additional pixel offset for the center of the credits display, by default (0,0) at building’s center.


[SOMEBUILDING]                     ; BuildingType
Grinding.AllowAllies=false         ; boolean
Grinding.AllowOwner=true           ; boolean
Grinding.AllowTypes=               ; List of InfantryTypes / VehicleTypes
Grinding.DisallowTypes=            ; List of InfantryTypes / VehicleTypes
Grinding.Sound=                    ; Sound
Grinding.Weapon=                   ; WeaponType
Grinding.DisplayRefund=false       ; boolean
Grinding.DisplayRefund.Houses=All  ; Affected House Enumeration (none|owner/self|allies/ally|team|enemies/enemy|all)
Grinding.DisplayRefund.Offset=0,0  ; X,Y, pixels relative to default



  • 现在可以为抛射体指定重力

    • Setting Gravity=0 is not recommended as it will cause the projectile to fly backwards and be unable to hit the target which is not at the same height. We suggest to use Straight Trajectory instead. See here.


[SOMEPROJECTILE]        ; Projectile
Gravity=6.0             ; floating point value


Building-provided self-healing customization

  • It is now possible to set a global cap for the effects of InfantryGainSelfHeal and UnitsGainSelfHeal by setting InfantryGainSelfHealCap & UnitsGainSelfHealCap under [General], respectively.

  • It is also possible to change the pip frames displayed from pips.shp individually for infantry, units and buildings by setting the frames for infantry & unit self-healing on Pips.SelfHeal.Infantry/Units/Buildings under [AudioVisual], respectively.

    • Pips.SelfHeal.Infantry/Units/Buildings.Offset can be used to customize the pixel offsets for the displayed pips, individually for infantry, units and buildings.

  • Whether or not a TechnoType benefits from effects of InfantryGainSelfHeal or UnitsGainSelfHeal buildings or neither can now be controlled by setting SelfHealGainType.

    • If SelfHealGainType is not set, InfantryTypes and VehicleTypes with Organic set to true gain self-healing from InfantryGainSelfHeal, other VehicleTypes from UnitsGainSelfHeal and AircraftTypes & BuildingTypes never gain self-healing.


InfantryGainSelfHealCap=               ; integer, maximum amount of InfantryGainSelfHeal that can be in effect at once, must be 1 or higher
UnitsGainSelfHealCap=                  ; integer, maximum amount of UnitsGainSelfHeal that can be in effect at once, must be 1 or higher

Pips.SelfHeal.Infantry=13,20           ; integer, frames of pips.shp for infantry & unit-self healing pips, respectively
Pips.SelfHeal.Units=13,20              ; integer, frames of pips.shp for infantry & unit-self healing pips, respectively
Pips.SelfHeal.Buildings=13,20          ; integer, frames of pips.shp for infantry & unit-self healing pips, respectively
Pips.SelfHeal.Infantry.Offset=25,-35   ; X,Y, pixels relative to default
Pips.SelfHeal.Units.Offset=33,-32      ; X,Y, pixels relative to default
Pips.SelfHeal.Buildings.Offset=15,10   ; X,Y, pixels relative to default

[SOMETECHNO]                           ; TechnoType
SelfHealGainType=                      ; Self-Heal Gain Type Enumeration (none|infantry|units)


image Custom ore gathering anims in Project Phantom

  • 现在可以自定义矿车的在不同矿石上的采矿动画了。


[SOMETECHNO]                     ; TechnoType
OreGathering.Anims=              ; list of animations
OreGathering.FramesPerDir=15     ; list of integers
OreGathering.Tiberiums=0         ; list of Tiberium IDs


image Chrono Legionnaire and Ronco using different teleportation settings in YR: New War

  • 现在全局中的超时空属性可以在每个单位中微观定义,默认均为对应的全局标签。

  • 仅对拥有Teleport/Chrono运动模式的单位有效。


[SOMETECHNO]            ; TechnoType
WarpOut=                ; Anim (played when Techno warping out)
WarpIn=                 ; Anim (played when Techno warping in)
WarpAway=               ; Anim (played when Techno chronowarped by chronosphere)
ChronoTrigger=          ; boolean, if yes then delay varies by distance, if no it is a constant
ChronoDistanceFactor=   ; integer, amount to divide the distance to destination by to get the warped out delay
ChronoMinimumDelay=     ; integer, the minimum delay for teleporting, no matter how short the distance
ChronoRangeMinimum=     ; integer, can be used to set a small range within which the delay is constant
ChronoDelay=            ; integer, delay after teleport for chronosphere


  • art中的Image不再限定于动画和建筑使用,全部的科技类型都可以使用。

  • 此标签指定文件名(不含拓展名)。若有同名节存在,节内内容不会被读取

  • 此功能默认关闭以保持对YR的兼容,启动此功能需要ArtImageSwap=true

  • 此功能支持步兵使用SHP,飞机使用VXL,载具使用SHP和VXL。


ArtImageSwap=false  ; disabled by default


Image=              ; name of the file that will be used as image, without extension


  • 现在Ares的Storage逻辑可以指定可以存储哪种矿物类型。

  • 此标签无Ares无法使用。


Storage.TiberiumIndex=-1  ; integer, [Tiberiums] list index

Exploding unit passenger killing customization

  • By default Explodes=true TechnoTypes have all of their passengers killed when they are destroyed. This behaviour can now be disabled by setting Explodes.KillPassengers=false.


[SOMETECHNO]                 ; TechnoType
Explodes.KillPassengers=true ; boolean


  • 原版中,Jumpjet的高度在JumpjetHeight以下时使用Air图层,否则使用Top图层。此逻辑允许将Jumpjet锁定在Air图层。


AllowLayerDeviation=true         ; boolean

[SOMETECHNO]                     ; TechnoType
JumpjetAllowLayerDeviation=true  ; boolean

Jumpjet turning to target

image Jumpjet turning to target applied in Robot Storm X

  • Allows jumpjet units to face towards the target when firing from different directions. Set [JumpjetControls] -> TurnToTarget=yes to enable it for all jumpjet locomotor units. This behavior can be overriden by setting [UnitType] -> JumpjetTurnToTarget for specific units.

  • This behavior does not apply to TurretSpins=yes units for obvious reasons.


TurnToTarget=false     ; boolean

[SOMEUNITTYPE]         ; UnitType with jumpjet locomotor
JumpjetTurnToTarget=   ; boolean, override the tag in JumpjetControls


  • 需要供电 (Powered=yes) 的建筑类子机发射者现在可以在断电时停止瞄准敌人。

  • 而飞行中的子机将会直接坠毁。


[SOMESTRUCTURE]          ; BuildingType
Powered.KillSpawns=false ; boolean


  • 重新激活失效的[JumpjetControls],其中的标签会作为Jumpjet类单位的初始值。

    • 此外,增加了新标签对应空缺的项。


Crash=5.0        ; floating point value
NoWobbles=false  ; boolean



Forbid parallel AI queues

  • You can now set if specific types of factories do not have AI production cloning issue instead of Ares’ indiscriminate behavior of AllowParallelAIQueues=no.

    • If AllowParallelAIQueues=no (Ares feature) is set, the tags have no effect.

In rulesmd.ini

AllowParallelAIQueues=yes           ; must be set yes/true unless you don't use Ares
ForbidParallelAIQueues.Infantry=no  ; boolean
ForbidParallelAIQueues.Vehicle=no   ; boolean
ForbidParallelAIQueues.Navy=no      ; boolean
ForbidParallelAIQueues.Aircraft=no  ; boolean
ForbidParallelAIQueues.Building=no  ; boolean



image Different ore spawners in Rise of the East mod

  • 在可以指定矿柱 (SpawnsTiberium=yes) 的地形对象生成的矿石种类。”

  • 现在还可以为与标准 3x3 矩形不同的矿石生成区域指定范围。矿石将均匀分布在分布范围内的所有受影响的单元格中。

  • 也可以指定将生成矿石的哪个阶段以及每个矿石生成动画周期中会填充多少单元格。 相应的标签接受一个整数值或两个逗号分隔的值,以允许范围内(含)的随机生长阶段。


[SOMETERRAINTYPE]             ; TerrainType
SpawnsTiberium.Type=0         ; tiberium/ore type index
SpawnsTiberium.Range=1        ; integer, radius in cells
SpawnsTiberium.GrowthStage=3  ; single int / comma-sep. range
SpawnsTiberium.CellsPerAnim=1 ; single int / comma-sep. range


  • 地形对象现在可以通过MinimapColor以在小地图上显示不同的颜色。


MinimapColor=      ; integer - Red,Green,Blue

Passable & buildable-upon TerrainTypes

  • TerrainTypes can now be made passable or buildable upon by setting IsPassable or CanBeBuiltOn, respectively.

    • Movement cursor is displayed on IsPassable TerrainTypes unless force-firing.

    • CanBeBuiltOn=true terrain objects are removed when building is placed on them.


IsPassable=false    ; boolean
CanBeBuiltOn=false  ; boolean



  • 矿石现在可以通过MinimapColor以在小地图上显示不同的颜色。


[SOMEORE]      ; Tiberium
MinimapColor=  ; integer - Red,Green,Blue


Destroy animations

  • DestroyAnim has been extended to work with VehicleTypes, with option to pick random animation if DestroyAnim.Random is set to true. These animations store owner and facing information for use with CreateUnit logic.


[SOMEVEHICLE]                          ; VehicleType
DestroyAnim=                           ; list of animations
DestroyAnim.Random=true                ; boolean


  • 如果设置了DeployingAnim.AllowAnyDirection,将禁用一切由DeployingAnim导致的方向限制。仅对地面单位有效。

  • DeployingAnim.KeepUnitVisible决定部署动画播放期间是否使单位持续可见。

  • DeployingAnim.ReverseForUndeploy决定反部署时是否反向播放部署动画。

  • DeployingAnim.UseUnitDrawer控制部署动画是否使用单位色盘和所属色。


[SOMEVEHICLE]                          ; VehicleType
DeployingAnim.AllowAnyDirection=false  ; boolean
DeployingAnim.KeepUnitVisible=false    ; boolean
DeployingAnim.ReverseForUndeploy=true  ; boolean
DeployingAnim.UseUnitDrawer=true       ; boolean


  • 给载具类型设置Speed为0可以使游戏认为此载具是静止的。行为类似于部署后的IsSimpleDeployer载具。不应该给可建造载具设置,否则其无法开出工厂。

Preserve Iron Curtain status on type conversion

image Bugfix in action

  • Iron Curtain status is now preserved by default when converting between TechnoTypes via DeploysInto/UndeploysInto.

    • This behavior can be turned off per-TechnoType and global basis.

    • IronCurtain.Modifier is re-applied upon type conversion.


IronCurtain.KeptOnDeploy=yes ; boolean

[SOMETECHNO]                 ; VehicleType with DeploysInto or BuildingType with UndeploysInto
IronCurtain.KeptOnDeploy=    ; boolean, default to [CombatDamage]->IronCurtain.KeptOnDeploy


Allowing damage dealt to firer

  • You can now allow warhead to deal damage (and apply damage-adjacent effects such as KillDriver and DisableWeapons/Sonar/Flash.Duration (Ares features)) on the object that is considered as the firer of the Warhead even if it does not have DamageSelf=true.

    • Note that effect of Psychedelic=true, despite being tied to damage will still fail to apply on the firer as it does not affect any objects belonging to same house as the firer, including itself.


[SOMEWARHEAD]            ; WarheadType
AllowDamageOnSelf=false  ; boolean


  • 现在可以指定被此弹头伤害的单位是否会解除隐形状态。


[SOMEWARHEAD]               ; WarheadType
DecloakDamagedTargets=true  ; boolean


  • 现在可以设定弹头仅在当前视野内爆炸时才震动屏幕(ShakeX/Ylo/hi)。


[SOMEWARHEAD]       ; WarheadType
ShakeIsLocal=false  ; boolean




  • 现在可以通过一个新标签来设置飞碟激光半径


[SOMEWEAPON]          ; WeaponType
DiskLaser.Radius=38.2 ; floating point value
                      ; 38.2 is roughly the default saucer disk radius


image Comparison of IsSingleColor=yes lasers with higher thickness to regular ones (RA2: Reboot)

  • You can now set laser to draw using only LaserInnerColor by setting IsSingleColor, in same manner as IsHouseColor lasers do using player’s team color. These lasers respect laser thickness. Note that this is not available on prism support weapons.


[SOMEWEAPON]         ; WeaponType
IsSingleColor=false  ; boolean


image EBolt customization utilized for different Tesla bolt weapon usage (RA2: Reboot)

  • 现在可以关闭特斯拉武器的特定电流。注意这只是视觉变化。


[SOMEWEAPONTYPE]       ; WeaponType
IsElectricBolt=true    ; an ElectricBolt Weapon, vanilla tag
Bolt.Disable1=false    ; boolean
Bolt.Disable2=false    ; boolean
Bolt.Disable3=false    ; boolean

RadialIndicator visibility

In vanilla game, a structure’s radial indicator can be drawn only when it belongs to the player. Now it can also be visible to observer. On top of that, you can specify its visibility from other houses.


RadialIndicatorVisibility=allies  ; list of Affected House Enumeration (owner/self | allies/ally | enemies/enemy | all)